7. Flexo 2-colour, slotter and die (with video)

Machine with flexo print and slotter section

See also: machine for flexo printing with slotter and rotating die for corrugated cardboard format 2100 x 1300 mm
Two colour, slitting and stamping section
Working speed – up to 100 m/minute

Flexo 2-colour, slotter and die - video 1
Flexo 2-colour, slotter and die - video 2


21 Shtastie Street, 2543 Kopilovtsi
Municipality of Kyustendil, Bulgaria - Address map

Tel: +359 888 251 600, +359 887 885 300
Contact person: Al. Umlenski
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/umlenskiLTD
E-mail: aleksandar@umlenski.com E-mail: umlenski@yahoo.com